Shouting Cleverly


  • Identify your target audience. Who is likely to buy your product/service?

My target audience is busy people who don’t have time to go shopping. This app is a quick and easy way to shop your style and purchase items in your price range.

  • What is your communication objective? How do you evoke the purchase decision? Is it through awareness, knowledge, liking or preference?

I would evoke the purchase by popup ads on games and social media. This is an effective strategy because social media is a daily thing for most people so many many people would see it.

  • Design your message. Is it a rational, emotional or moral message? Is it a combination of all three?

My message that I am trying to get across is that shopping doesn’t have to be a hassle or a workout. You can do it from home. Online shopping doesn’t have to be hard either. Quick Style can make everything easier.

  • Choose the media. Will you use social media, traditional advertising or word of mouth?

As stated previously, I will use social media such as instagram and facebook for my ads.

  • Message Source. Who will be the face of your communication: you or a celebrity?I will use a well known female celebrity like; The Kardashians or some beauty youtubers.

Brand ideas

My three name ideas are:

Style shop

Speedy shopper

Quick style

I think I will go with Quick Style because that describes what the app the best I think. My logo will be this:

because it is simple and it shows that is as about fashion. I like it because there is no specific type of clothing there so it can still be open to anyone. I also like it because it is just a naked mannequin but it can symbol starting fresh or trying new things like new clothes that you didn’t think of before.

My business idea.

So my “thing” is fashion. When I’m older I want to be an interior decorator so I’m really interested in the fashion industry. My idea is a website or an app that makes it easier for people to shop online or in store and find their style. So basically you type in your style for example “boho” and it will come up with a list of shops that sell things in that style or even just some items that are in that style and what shop they are from. This isn’t just limited to clothes it can be anything in that style. It also isn’t just limited to styles. If you want something with a certain quote on it, my app or website can find that too.

How to be an Entrepreneur

Entrepreneurs are people who own a self-run business. They are very independent. To be an entrepreneur you have to take action and take risks. Starting a business isn’t easy and it can be very risky. You have to invest a lot of money into your business and you can never be 100% certain that it will work. To be an entrepreneur you need to use opportunities. “Every mistake is an opportunity”